Greater Indiana Title Company seeks to engage with the local community and has over the years demonstrated its continued support to the following organizations:
Greater Northwest Indiana Association of Realtors®
GNIAR members represent all aspects of real estate from residential to real estate development. GNIAR represents nearly 2,500 members in more than 500 offices in Lake, Porter, Jasper and Newton Counties, and also serves several hundred from LaPorte County, IN; Cook County, IL and Southwestern Michigan.
Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Valparaiso Chamber of Commerce (GVCC) is a membership organization consisting of members in the business, government, education, and not-for-profit sectors. Through its volunteer committees and its partnerships with organizations in the Northwest Indiana region, the Chamber works on economic development, member services, legislative, and quality of life issues.
Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce
The Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to being a voice for business and a forum for the exchange of ideas. Through a variety of chamber programs and services, the Lakeshore Chamber of Commerce strives to strengthen the economic vitality of East Chicago, Hammond, and Northwest Indiana.
Northwest Indiana Forum
The Northwest Indiana Forum is the regional voice for the business community and the premier source of a full package of services that promote economic development and retention of quality jobs.
With more than 130 member organizations, the Forum’s mission is to increase the broad-based wealth in Northwest Indiana through economic development.
Funded by membership contributions and grants, Forum membership translated into a direct investment in the region to support growth and economic innovation.
The Forum works to create a positive business climate promoting investment and job creation. Critical components of a sustainable regional economy include stable tax policies, reasonable operations and cost of living and a regulatory environment that protects the quality of life and promotes growth and opportunities. Enabling this growth includes stable tax policies, reasonable operations and living costs and a workable regulatory environment that protects the quality of life and does not inhibit growth and opportunities.
Home Builders Association of Northwest Indiana
The Home Builders Association of Northwest Indiana (HBA of NWI) is a trade association based in Northwest Indiana representing more than 275 members involved in home building, remodeling, multifamily construction, property management, subcontracting, design, housing finance, building products manufacturing and other aspects of residential and light commercial construction.
HBA of NWI is an affiliated association of the Indiana Builders Association (IBA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) from which the Home Builders Association received membership charters for Porter and Lake Counties in Indiana.

Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Portage Chamber of Commerce provides advocacy, education, networking, and greater community exposure to member businesses and organizations.
Michigan City Economic Development Corporation
Economic Development Corporation Michigan City, Indiana is committed to growing and attracting industry and business to the community. The EDCMC is willing and able to bring together the right mix of resources including city government officials, utility engineers, and the expertise of business leaders. By using our one-stop-shop approach, both government and business leaders find it easier to generate development.
Greater La Porte Economic Development Corporation
The Greater La Porte Economic Development Corporation (GLEDC) was formed in 2001 to provide La Porte with a “One Stop Shop” for all business needs. GLEDC provides prospect development, project development, project coordination, and retention & expansion services. GLEDC will assist you through the entire business development process.

Lake County IN Economic Alliance
LCEA provides you key links to the right contacts to help you grow. Assisting you through the entire business development process, we provide project development and coordination, and retention and expansion services.
American Land Title Association
The American Land Title Association, founded in 1907, is the national trade association representing nearly 5,500 title insurance companies, title and settlement agents, independent abstracters, title searchers and real estate attorneys.

Indiana Land Title Association
The Indiana Land Title Association (ILTA) was formed in 1907. Members are companies involved in the production and evaluation of real estate title information. Title insurance underwriting companies, attorneys, lenders, abstractors, surveyors and other individuals in the real estate or title industry. The Association’s 200+ members represent approximately 2,000 or more citizens of Indiana employed and concerned about the real estate industry. The primary purposes of the Association are to provide high quality educational programming to its members and representing and advocating the interests of its members in front of the Indiana Legislature and other government agencies. The Association develops and sponsors educational seminars every year. Most seminars qualify for both Continuing Insurance Education and Continuing Legal Education. The Association also maintains and publishes a compendium of real estate law known as the ILTA Real Estate Handbook which is updated annually and is an invaluable resource to anyone in the title and real estate industry in Indiana.